"I have seen a wonder, (this) magnetic Hill which forcibly attracts the soul! Having suppressed the mischievous (mental) activities of the soul who has thought of It (even) once, having drawn (that soul) to face towards Itself, the One, and having made it motionless (achala) like Itself, It feeds upon that sweet (pure and ripened) soul. What (a wonder) this is! O souls! Be saved by thinking of this great Arunagiri, the destroyer of the soul (the ego) who shines in the heart!"
Ramana Maharishi
The only place on our Earth i wanted to visit was Arunachala Hill in Tiruvannamalai, south India. From the first time i heard her name Arunachala, i recognized i love Her. This dream came true on January, 2018.
To climb the Hill, which is for me the embodiment of Siva, is Siva Himself, was one of the greatest disappointments deeply felt. I remembered that scriptures are naming enlightenment as the greatest disappointment. This was one of them. In the most possibly beautiful way.
I had a dream, few years before, that Nitya - my teacher - will take me there, and she did. I don't know how to write about it, so i share some photos from our sacred, profound, auspicious time in Tiruvannamalai.

Arunachala Siva Mahadeva Hill

Arunachala Siva Mahadeva Hill, Tiruvannamalai, India

Ramana Maharshi - photo of the photo at Ramanasramam

Nitya at Ramanasramam | Tiruvannamalai 2018

Arunachala Siva Mahadeva Hill from the Ramanasramam rooftop

Nitya at Ramanasramam

Annamalai Swami's temple

Arunachala Hill from The Dreaming Tree
Photo of Ramana Maharshi at my room

Agni Lingam

Agni Lingam - view from the Little Tibet restaurant's window

Agni Lingam - view from the Little Tibet restaurant's window

Agni Lingam, detail
Pathala Lingam


party at the Ragi's rooftop

during Pradakshina

Nitya at the market in front of the Arunachaleswara Temple

girl near the Arunachaleswara Temple

party at the Ragi's rooftop

Nitya in Pondicherry

Arunachaleshawara Temple

Nitya in the Arunachaleshwara Temple

Nitya during Pradakshina
Pongal at Arunachaleswara Temple
Man selling souvenirs at Pondicherry

Nitya during Satsang

Nitya after Satsang

Ramana Maharshi and Mooji

Nitya at the Sri Maharshi’s Samadhi Shrine

View at the Meditation Hall at Ramanasramam
The Cat at Ramanashramam